Explore the transformative impact of online printing services on brand evolution and market visibility in this blog. From the evolution of branding to the creative leverage of customisation and the crucial role of innovative materials, discover a strategic approach to building lasting customer relationships and elevating brand experiences. Join us in exploring the seamless integration of loyalty programs, the art of customisation, and the importance of quality materials in shaping a brand's visual narrative.

Put Your Customers First!

Try to put yourself in your customer's shoes and consider your company from their perspective. Refrain from acknowledging the concept; consider how your company can improve or ease your customer's lives. Don't bombard them with back-end sales offers. Rather, give them free things as a surprise, share important knowledge with them without expecting anything in return, and tailor your communication to suit their requirements.

You will probably get much higher response rates if you use this strategy while presenting a back-end offer. Many company owners have experienced the success of loyalty cards, especially in sandwich bars and coffee shops. Offers like "Buy 5 cups of coffee, and get the sixth one free!" are examples of successful campaigns. However, you will need to complement this with more engagement with them, do this right and you can watch customers become friends and advocates.

What is a Loyalty Card?

A loyalty card is simply a printed card of any shape or size that tracks how many purchases a customer makes with you or your business. The business then gives its loyal customers prizes based on their past purchases, encouraging them to keep coming back for more.

How Do Loyalty Cards Increase Sales?

Even if your consumers already trust you, the positive acknowledgement they receive from a loyalty card increases the probability that they will choose your brand over competitors when making purchases. Furthermore, who can resist the attraction of loyalty benefits like those provided by a neighbourhood barbershop or coffee shop? Positive sales are correlated with positive recognition!

If you decide to customise your loyalty cards, you can offer rewards that you know (based on previous customer research) your clients would find appealing, increasing the likelihood that they will complete the required steps to get that reward. For example, a coffee house offers customers a free muffin with every 10th cup of coffee they buy.

  • Loyalty schemes are low-maintenance:

    Once the loyalty cards have been printed and gotten your hands on a loyalty card stamp, all that's left is to offer them out to customers when they're in your store. After this, your loyalty scheme is pretty much self-sufficient. Customers will simply bring their cards back, and you stamp them according to your offer – voila!
  • They're cost-effective:

    If you choose to go with loyalty cards printing over digital schemes or personalised apps, setting up is not going to break the bank. Our expert design team have even created a few customisable loyalty card templates if you do not have the time or resources to design your own.
  • They give your business a competitive edge:

    Introducing a loyalty scheme is a great way to give your business an edge over your local competitors. A competitor's new offer can sway some customers, but if they've been working towards building points or stamps on your loyalty card, they'll most likely stay with you.

 How Do Loyalty Cards Benefit Consumers?

  • Rewards They Want:

    If you make sure your loyalty incentives are desirable to your target audience, loyalty cards printing is fantastic from a customer point of view too! It's an added reward for the loyalty that a customer shows in shopping with a store or brand that offers a scheme like this.
  • People Like Being Rewarded:

    Surprise, Surprise! Customers are more likely to shop somewhere with a loyalty scheme and they even actively seek out shops that do! So, do not fail to offer these kinds of incentives that could be keeping customers away!
  • Ease of Use:

    Efficiency in customer experience is crucial for effective marketing. A low-effort journey significantly contributes to customer retention. Several customers would repurchase from a company offering a low-effort experience, with many willing to pay more for simplicity and effectiveness. Loyalty cards, requiring customers only to present their cards during visits, exemplify the ultimate low-effort marketing tactic.
  • Instant Gratification:

    The accumulation of points or stamps on a loyalty card, leading to instant rewards upon completion, generates immediate positive feelings. This swift access to rewards serves as a powerful motivation for customers to continue their loyal patronage.
  • Perception of Better Value:

    Loyalty cards printing creates the perception that customers are getting a superior deal compared to non-loyalty customers. This feeling of getting more value for their money, even if it entails spending more to unlock rewards, mirrors the successful dynamics of sales and outlet retailers.

Advantages of Loyalty Programs:

  • Customer Retention:

Loyalty card programs contribute to building trust and an emotional connection with customers, fostering customer retention. Studies indicate that loyalty programs increase overall revenue, with loyal members spending more frequently and on a broader range of products.

  •  Increased Sales:

Loyalty cards printing motivate customers to return more frequently to take advantage of special offers, leading to increased sales. Furthermore, loyalty programs enable businesses to gather valuable data on customer preferences, facilitating targeted marketing campaigns and suggestive selling.

  •  Product Awareness:

Loyalty cards encourage customers to explore new products by offering discounts or free trials, enhancing product awareness. Positive experiences with free products often result in subsequent purchases.

  •  Data Collection:

Loyalty programs enable businesses to track and analyse customer shopping habits. By encouraging customers to provide information as part of the program, businesses can personalise customer experiences and create targeted marketing campaigns based on gathered data.

  •  Integration with Smartphones:

In the current market, loyalty cards printing that links with online platforms or mobile apps is essential. A majority of customers prefer engaging with loyalty programs via mobile devices. This integration allows customers to track their progress, view promotions, and enhance their overall engagement with the loyalty program.

 Today's customers demand experiences that transcend product availability and services. Building brand loyalty is essential, and loyalty programs have proven successful for various brands. Investing in a unique and personalised loyalty program can significantly contribute to customer satisfaction and brand success.

The Evolution of Branding with Online Printing

In an era where digital interactions often precede physical ones, the visual representation of a brand becomes paramount. Online printing services play a pivotal role in shaping this visual narrative, providing businesses with the tools to craft a distinctive and memorable identity. From business cards that serve as miniature brand ambassadors to marketing collateral that tells a compelling brand story, the canvas of online printing is expansive and transformative.

Customisation as a Creative Leverage

One of the key advantages that online printing services offer is the unparalleled scope for customisation. Businesses are no longer confined to generic templates; instead, they can tailor every aspect of their printed materials to align with their brand personality. Customised business cards, flyers, and banners become not just marketing tools but an extension of the brand's unique identity, forging a connection with the audience that transcends the digital realm.

 Quality Matters: The Role of Innovative Materials

Online printing services bring forth a cornucopia of materials that go beyond the conventional. Businesses can choose from a range of options, including eco-friendly choices, luxurious textures, and cutting-edge finishes. It's not just about printing; it's about crafting a tactile experience that reflects the quality and professionalism of the brand. A printed material from an online service should not only look good but feel good too.


In summary, the synergy of online printing services and loyalty programs revolutionises brand identity and customer relations. The evolution of branding through customisation and innovative materials provides businesses with a unique and memorable presence. Loyalty cards, with their simplicity and cost-effectiveness, prove indispensable for customer retention and increased sales.

Consumers benefit from desirable rewards, a positive shopping experience, and instant gratification. VC Print, a leader in this space, goes beyond mere printing; it is a creative partner, offering a seamless blend of customisation, quality, and loyalty. Elevate your brand effortlessly with them where loyalty meets creativity, and every print job is a testament to artistic expression.